I Can Work This Thing!

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To attach a file in mail,do the following: After writing a new message press Command-Shift-A to open the attach dialogue.

You will then be placed in the file browser. Back tab once with, shift-tab to the sidebar, to get to a list of directories. Now choose the directory where the file is located that you wish to attach, for example, desktop.

Now tab once to put you back in the file browser. This will have keyboard focus which can be verified by pressing control-option-f4. The voiceover cursor will be focused on the currently highlighted file and can be verified by pressing Control-Option-f3.

Use the arrow keys to highlight the file you want to send. If you tab one time there is a checkbox that says send Windows friendly attachments. I don't know what this does but I gather if you are sending to a Windows machine this might be a good idea to check.

Tab to the choose file button and press control-option-space bar.

You are then placed back in your message and if you read the first line, providing that your Voiceover cursor has been left on the first line of your message, you will also hear the attachment name.

Remember that the attachment name will appear where ever you have left the Voiceover cursor.

Press Command-Shift-D to send the message.


JohnyTheHess & WillieTheWoof

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