I Can Work This Thing!

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Long beep at beginning of menu. Press set for 1 sec to enter and press set
momentarily to exit.

1: rf power l, 1-99, h; (one dial revolution = approx. half power)
2: mic gain
3: vox gain
4: vox delay
5: antivox
6: cw pitch
7: break-in mode
8: break-in delay
9: cw key speed
10: key ratio (weighting)
11: rtty mark tone
12: rtty shift
13: dimmer


Long beep denotes beginning of list. Press set and power on to enter.
Turn power off and back on to reactivate radio with new settings.

1: mode select
2: rf/squelch select
3: beep
4: beep level
5: band edge beep
6: side tone level
7: meter peak hold
8: scan speed
9: scan resume method
10: am noise blanker
11: auto tuning speed
12: paddle type
13: tuner type
14: auto tune (at-180 only)
15: ptt tune
16: speech language
17: speech speed
18: speech s-meter reading
19: ci-v baud rate
20: ci-v address
21: ci-v transceive
22: ci-v 731 mode
23: filter selection
24: expand filter

Key Assignments

Key without f-inp/enter accesses function while f-inp followe by numbers
followed by f-inp sets frequency. Channel plus f-inp plus keypad plus
f-inp sets memory channel.

1: vfo/memory
2: a=b
3: a/b
4: memory write (hold for 1 sec)
5: memory clear (hold for 1 sec)
6: write memory to vfo (hold for 1 sec)
7: split
8: scan
9: vox
period: noise reduction (hold for 1 sec to enter set mode)
0: auto notch filter

Other Switches

Above Tuning Dial (left to right):

mode, filter, tuning step

Below Key Pad (left to right):

nb (hold for 1 sec to set), comp, set
p-amp, att, tune
channel, down, up

Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided as a public service to the blind and visually handicapped community. While we have done our best to ensure the information provided is accurate, please realize the use of any information on this site is solely at your discretion and we take no responsibility for use or attempted use of this information.

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