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Quick Reference for TS-450SAT

Upper lefthand Corner: on-off
2 buttons below that: 1. vox/qsk on-off. 2. 20 DB attenuator
Below that: 2 buttons: 1. manual transmit. 2. automatic antenna
tuner: online offline.
Below that: Earphone jack.
and Below that: Microphone Jack.

To the right of Antenna Tuner switch is the top row of the
number pad with: 1, 2, 3, from left to right.
1. is also one set of filters. 2. is also the other set of
filters. 3. has something to do with L.E.D. readouts.
Below that is the second row of the number pad: 4. is Antenna
Tuner on and off. 5. is 5., I think. 6. is also meter function switching.
Below that is the third row of the number pad: 7. is 7. 8. is
also fast or slow tuning ratio for dial knob or scan. 9. is
switching from upper to lower sideband on CW.
Below that is the fourth row of the number pad: Star is Clear.
0. is 0. pound sign is: once for entering frequency on number
pad and again enters that frequency into the VFO.
Below that is another row of 3 buttons: 1. is to enter
information into memory; press once, enter frequency, either
by use of the number pad, or by tuning with the dial; also
select the other parameters desired for operating on that
frequency, such as mode, degree of filtering, upper oor lower
sideband etc. then press this button again to place all
into memory. 2. Used to enter memory channel into VFO. 3. Starts

To the right of number pad is a column of 5 buttons: 1. Upper or
Lower Sideband. 2. CW or RTTY. 3. A.M. F.M. 4. Frequency lock.
5. Voice Synthesizer.

Large knob about in the center is main tuning dial. Tension is
adjustable by holding the knob and turning the disk behind it.

Right of that ar 2 collumns of 5 buttons:
Upper left: 1. Momentary check of transmit frequency. 2. Press
once, then select memory channel and press enter: 2 of bottom
row under number pad. 3. RIT on and off. 4. XIT on and off. 5.
Moves the frequency lower, one ham band at a time, or one mhz at
a time -- selected by button 4 in the righthand column here.

Upper right: 1. VFO A. or VFO B. 2. VFO A. and VFO B. split. 3.
VFO A. equals VFO B. 4. Selects increment that the bottom 2
buttons here move the frequency. 5. Moves frequency up by one
ham band at a time, or by one mhz at a time.

To the right is a column of 5 small buttons:
1. 5 DB attenuator. 2. Notch filter on and off. 3. AGC. 4. Noise
Blanker. 5. Speech Processor on and off.

To the right of that is a row of small knobs across the bottom:
1. VOX/qsk delay. 2. Carrier level. 3. Power Level. 4.
Microphone Gain.

Above that are 4 sets of knobs:
1. (top left): Memory Channel selector, or move frequency in ten
KHz incraments, if not in memory mode. 2. (top right): outer:
Squelch Control; inner: notch filter tuning. 3. (lower left):
outer: If tuning; inner: RIT/XIT. 4. (lower right): outer: RF
Gain; inner: AF Gain.

Facing Rear Panel:
Upper Right Corner: D.C. power connector
Left of that: accessory power connector.
Just to the left of center, but still at the top: antenna
Lower right: Unidentified. Left of that: Key jack.
Left of that: External Speaker Jack. I think that's it.

Left side, when facing the front, and toward front: computer
connectors. also, vox sensativity & antivox.

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