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These are my personal notes volume 03

Some of these things I have copied from the Apple Website, or the list. Most of these things I have tried and found them to work. I have used the notes to learn what I know about the MAC and Voiceover., so they are not in order, they are just my notes


I really hope that they will help you as they have helped me.


Keith Reedy


For more complete answers to your questions go to: http://www.apple.com/support/tiger/voiceover


MAC Keyboard shortcuts and Voiceover Keys




Command Keynext to the space bar left and right.


Option Key middle key to the left and right of the space bar.


Control key third key from the left and right of the space bar.


Voiceover on and off Command-f5.


Voiceover utility control-option-f8


Voiceover menu control-option-f7


Voiceover commands control-option-question

When romeing arround in a folder, you can change the view of the folder, but, this will not work in desktop. Try them if you like and see which view works best for you. You may like one view in one folder and another view in another folder.

Here is how to change view.

Icon view, command1
list view, command-2
column view, command-3

applacations folder from the finder, command-shift-a

Application menus control-f2, or control-option-m


Activate a link. Make sure that the Voiceover cursor is on the link with

control-option-f3, then

control-option-spacebar or in some cases, enter key

Button information, help tags, control-option-h

Check boxes,toggle on and off with,

control-option-space bar. This will toggle the box

on or off and speak the change, if this does not work, try just useing the space bar..


Open an aplacation, folder or dock, command-o


open new window, command-n

Cycle through open windows in an applacation, Command-tilda.

Close a window in an application command-w


Close application Command-q


right click, or, Context menu, use, control and then click the mouse, or, 5 on the number pad if you have mouse keys enabled, or, Command-option-shift-m


Dock control-option-d


desktop, control-option-shift-d


Full keyboard access control-f1


interact with text control-option-shift-down arrow to begin, or control-option-shift-up arrow to stop interacting.

Make plain text,

Internet, some keys. $sl2


open a URL, command-l


add to bookmarks, command-d


moveing mouse curser to Voiceover curser


clicking the mouse, control-option-space bar


Moving arround in a website


Open a URL, command-l

Sending a website link by Mail.
While you have a page open, press command-shift-i
This will open mail and place the link of that website in the message body, then all you need to do is add the e-mail address and a subject line.

Here are a couple of ways to move arround in a website.


Build and items list, command-shift-i

you can move arround from link to link

and when you hear H T M L you can interact with it by pressing

control-option-shift-down arrow

you can move to a link or text if you know it's name, by typeing the name or a few letters of the name. As you type

the choices will be fewer until your choice is maid.


Tab to items in a web page.

Go to menus with control-option-m, or, control-f2

right arrow to safari then down arrow to, preferences and press enter, now tab to, advanced button and press the space bar, then tab to "press tab to highlight each item on the web page", then, check that box.


opening a new window, command-n may help

you to move arround in the site easier.


Move back to the previous website, command-left arrow

move forward, command-right arrow

in some cases, command left and right bracket will do the same thing


Keyboard practice command-k




Moveing to top and bottom of a file or message

for top, control-option-home

for bottom, control-option-end


scroll bars, to interact with scroll bars,

control-option-s. Use escape to stop interacting. use arrow keys to scroll.


jump to message text, control-option-j


add sender to address book, command-y


close window, command-w


get new mail, command-shift-n


new message, command-n


forward, command-shift-f


send, command-shift-d


send again, command-shift-d


bounce, command-shift-b


sellect all, command-b


paste in matched style, command-shift-option-v


reply, command-r


reply to all, command-shift-r


forward, command-shift-f


reading a message with "imbeded text

command-option-p will make the message plain text.

long headers, command-shift-h

source, command-option-u


Read Everything If you are interacting with a document control-option-a will read from Voiceover cursor down. If you are not interacting with a document control-option will read then entire document.


     Read everything in the Voiceover Cursor or Text in a Button Name, control-option-a

Read the character where the VoiceOver cursor is focused, press Control-Option-C. Press C two times to hear the character spoken phonetically. Then press Control-Option-Shift-Right Arrow or Left Arrow to move the VoiceOver cursor to the next or previous character and read it.


Read a word at a time, press Control-Option-W. Press W two times to hear the word spelled, and three times to hear it spelled phonetically. Then press Control-Option-Left Arrow or Right Arrow to read the previous or next word.


Read a line at a time, press Control-Option-L. Then press Control-Option-Up Arrow or Down Arrow to read the previous or next lines.


Read a sentence at a time, press Control-Option-S. Then press Control-Option-Page Up or Page Down to read the previous or next sentence.


Read a paragraph at a time, press Control-Option-P. Then press Control-Option-Shift-Page Up or Page Down to read the previous or next paragraph.



Note: If the VoiceOver cursor is on a text area, but you haven't pressed Control-Option-Shift-Down Arrow to begin interacting, pressing Control-Option-A will read the entire document. If you are interacting with a document, pressing Control-Option-A will read from the VoiceOver cursor to the bottom of the text area.



Voiceover Cursor to Keyboard Cursor Command-f4


close Window Command-W


Close all Windows Option-Command-W

Expand folder (list view) Command-Right Arrow

Expand folder and nested subfolders (list view) Option-Command-Right Arrow

Collapse Folder (list view) Command-Left Arrow

Option-Command-Up Arrow Open parent folder and close current window



Menu commands


Keyboard shortcut Description

Apple Menu log out Shift-Command-Q

Apple Menu Log out immediately Shift-Option-Command-Q


Finder Menu Empty Trash Shift-Command-Delete

Finder Menu Empty Trash without dialog Option-Shift-Command-Delete


Finder Menu Hide Finder Command-H


Finder Menu Hide Others Option-Command-H


File Menu New Finder window Command-N


File Menu New Folder Shift-Command-N


File Menu Open Command-O


File Menu Save Command-S


File Menu Save as Shift-Command-S


File Menu Print Command-P


File Menu Close Window Command-W


File Menu Close all Windows Option-Command-W


File Menu Get Info Command-I


File Menu Show Attributes Inspector Option-Command-I


File Menu Duplicate Command-D


File Menu Make Alias Command-L


File Menu Show original Command-R


File Menu Add to Favorites Command-T


File Menu Move to Trash Command-Delete


File Menu Eject Command-E


File Menu Find Command-F


Edit Menu Undo Command-Z


Edit Menu Cut Command-X


Edit Menu Copy Command-C


Edit Menu Paste Command-V


Edit Menu Select All Command-A


View Menu View as Icons Command-1


View Menu View as List Command-2


View Menu View as Columns Command-3


View Menu Hide Toolbar Command-B


View Menu Show View Options Command-J


Go Menu Back Command-left bracket


Go Menu Forward Command-right bracket


Go Menu Computer Shift-Command-C


Go Menu Home Shift-Command-H


Go Menu iDisk Shift-Command-I


Go Menu Applications Shift-Command-A


Go Menu Favorites Shift-Command-F


Go Menu Goto Folder Shift-Command-G


Go Menu Connect to Server Command-K


Window Menu Minimize Window Command-M


Window Menu Minimize All Windows Option-Command-M


Help Menu Open Mac Help Command-question mark


Open Spotlight (Mac OS X 10.4 or later) Command-Space


Universal Access and VoiceOver

Keyboard shortcut Description


(asterisk) Turn on Zoom Option-Command-*


(plus) Zoom in Option-Command-+


(minus) Zoom out Option-Command--

(asterisk) Switch to White on Black



Turn on Full Keyboard Access Control-F1


When Full Keyboard Access is turned on you can use the key combinations listed in the table below from the Finder.


Full Keyboard Access Highlight Menu Control-F2


Full Keyboard Access Highlight Dock Control-F3


Full Keyboard Access Highlight Window (active) or next window behind it Control-F4


Full Keyboard Access Highlight Toolbar Control-F5


Full Keyboard Access Highlight Utility window (palette) Control-F6


To turn VoiceOver on or off (Mac OS X 10.4 or later) Command-F5 or fn-Command-F5


Open VoiceOver Utility (Mac OS X 10.4 or later) Control-Option-F8 or fn-Control-Option-F8


Display VoiceOver menu (Mac OS X 10.4 or later) Control-Option-F7 or fn-Control-option-F7


Enable/disable VoiceOver Control-Option lock (Mac OS X 10.4 or later) Control-Option-;

or fn-Control-option-;



The Universal Access preference pane allows you to turn on Mouse Keys. When Mouse Keys is on you can use the numeric keypad to move the mouse. If your computer doesn't have a numeric keypad use the Fn (function) key.


Mouse Keys

Keystroke Description

Move Up 8


Move Down 2


Move Left 4


Move Right 6


Move Diagonally 1, 3, 7, and 9


Press Mouse Button 5


Hold Mouse Button 0


. Release Mouse Button (period on keypad)(use after pressing 0)



Other Commands

Keystroke Description


Show/Hide Dock Option-Command-D


Switch application tab Highlight next item Command-Tab


Arrow Move up one directory Command-Up


Arrow Move down one directory Command-Down


Arrow Move up one page Page Up or Control-Up


Arrow Move down one page Page Down or Control-Down


Copy to new location Option-Drag


Make alias in new location Option-Command-Drag


Move to new location without copying Command-Drag


Show Colors palette in application Shift-Command-C


Show Font palette in application Command-T


Take a picture of the screen Command-Shift-3


Take a picture of the selection Command-Shift-4


Take a picture of the screen place in Clipboard then press Control while Command-Shift-4


then Spacebar Take a picture of the selected window Command-Shift-4


Force Quit Option-Command-esc


Shutdown dialog box Control-Eject Restart Sleep


Quit all applications and restart Control-Command-Eject


Option-Command-Eject or

Option-Command-Power Sleep


Command-click window toolbar button (upper right corner) Cycle through available views for the window's toolbar (dependant on the nature of the Finder or application window)

Command-` Cycle through windows in application or Finder (if more than one window is open)

Function-Delete (PowerBook, iBook only) Forward Delete (delete the character to the right of your cursor)






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