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I have lots of mail boxes, with names like: Learning the MAC. So when I receive a message that will help to learn more about the MAC, I move that message to the Learning the MAC mailbox so that I can find that learning message when I need it.

Your mail box can be named any thing you like, like funny stuff, or, family and the list is endless.

One of the nice things about the MAC and voiceover, is that it gives you more than one way to do things, like creating a new mail box.

Try this just for fun.

Go in to menus with control-option-m or control-f2 and right arrow to "mailboxes". Down arrow to new mailbox hit enter and type in the name you want your mail box to be called. If there is text in that field, it will be erased after the first keystroke or two. It works for me.

Moving a Message

When you receive a message that you want to move to one of your new mail boxes, you do not need to be in the body of the message in order to move the message, you can just have the Voiceover cursor on the row of the message that you want to move.

Now do the following.

Go to menus, with control-option-m, or, control-f2 and right arrow to messages. Then, down arrow to "move" and press enter. Then arrow down to the mail box that you want to move your message to and then press enter.

Have fun with this.

Keith Reedy


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