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GarageBand 5, Ducking revision 1

What is ducking anyway?

If you have an iPhone, you are already using ducking. If you are listening to the iPod on your iPhone and Voiceover speaks, the music ducks under the Voiceover speech so that you can hear it.

Lets look at how it works.

Lets say that you need to create something like a narration, or, radio spot and you want music in the background under your voice, but, you want the level of the music to decrease when you speak, you need ducking.

First create a track with your music.

Now create another track.

At the proper point in the music, start recording your voice. When you have finished, go to the control menu in GarageBand and VO keys-space bar, or, press enter on ducking, or, just press Command-shift-r.

Now play your music and narration and listen to the magic.

Whats that? You say it didn't duck fast enough, or, it ducked too quick, it ducked to low, or, not low enough. You can adjust this by doing the following.

Follow the instructions in the GarageBand5 with SnowLeopard tracks and effects guide to get in to effects.

Using the item chooser to find these items will get you there faster.

Now that you are in to effects find ducker.

Just to the left is an unlabeled button, use VO keys-slash to label this button and call it, ducker adjustment.

Now, you can VO keys-space on this button to make your adjustments.

Hey, don't forget to duck.

Keith Reedy


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